Precipitation radar Bălţi

Country map
Country borders
Precipitation accumulation
  • Sun
  • Mon
  • 22:00
  • 22:30
  • 23:00
  • 23:30
  • 00:00


Radar ±2 hours


Current weather

0 mm
S S 1

It will stay dry for now

About the precipitation radar for Bălţi

Would you like to know how the weather and precipitation is developing in Bălţi? Our advanced rain radar allows you to track exactly when rain, drizzle and other showers occur. Whether you're planning a walk, bike ride or excursion in Bălţi, our radar provides the most up-to-date data on precipitation and rain in your area. In addition to the current weather data, you can also view the precipitation forecast for the coming hours. This allows you to optimally adapt your plans to the expected weather conditions in Bălţi and react to changes in a timely manner. Visit our page for reliable information and always stay informed about the weather in Bălţi.
Country map
Country borders
Precipitation accumulation
  • Sun
  • Mon
  • 22:00
  • 22:30
  • 23:00
  • 23:30
  • 00:00


Radar ±2 hours
